Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bananas over coconut products

Several months ago, I ventured to experiment with homemade body wash and shampoo.  At the prompting of my 17 year old son, we have completely made the switch to all natural and homemade personal care products...including deodorant.  Coconut oil has anti-fungal, anti-viral and bacteriostatic properties. My son had second degree chemical burns from a deodorant product that is still on the market, unfortunately.  To my surprise, there are many complaints circulating about this particular deodorant.  We've decided not to use the money off coupons that we were compensated for our complaint.

This recipe has been put to the true test of three potentially stinky males in our home as they went two days without a shower while roughing it at hunting camp.  Eww.  You did read that correctly.  Two days. Interestingly, they did not have body odor. It's not that we're immune to stinky smells like that.  In fact, I have a very overly sensitive sniffer.  Their trial passed my test, so I decided to give it a go.  Much to my surprise, I didn't feel all sticky-like under my arms as I expected I would.  In a moment of weakness, I decided to go back to my regular anti-perspirant/deodorant for my weekend at work. Guess what?  The national leading brand that I'd relied on all these years did not work as well.  I was feeling sticky and unconfident by the end of my ten hour work day.

I've now made the decision to switch to my own concoction permanently.

Here's my recipe:

3 tablespoons virgin coconut oil
2.5 tablespoons cocoa butter  (I use NOW brand)
4 tablespoons arrowroot powder or cornstarch
2 tablespoons baking soda,  aluminum free

5 drops (optional) essential oil

Melt down in a sauce pan. Pour into an old (but cleaned!) deodorant container and cool. The cocoa butter will solidify the entire stick.

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